Update your app in App Store Connect directly from aso.dev.
Your API key is not stored on the ASO.dev servers and is only used by your devices, with no server-side requests. Its a secure end-to-end encrypted key-password combination with a unique encryption code for each project and additionally encrypted with your password for security during sharing and device sync.
ASO.dev boasts an array of advanced features, including automated machine content translations, keyword validations, and recommendations, among others:
- Bulk Metadata Editing Support
- Fill Whats new to 39 stores by a few clicks
- Unlimited keyword ranking
- Multilingual Review and Response Translation
- Keyword Validations and Recommendations
- Create Keyword List from apps keywords rating.
- Interactive Cross-Localization Table
- Keyword Database & Tracking
- Translations and localizations
- Project Sharing with flexible Access Rights
- Timeline & Event Tracking
- Cross-Platform Compatibility
- Top apps by iOS, iPad, macOS, categories and type.
- Spy keywords by any iOS app.
- Add app without key (by link)
- Support DeepL translations
- Support OpenAI translations
- Subscription localizations
- Price Editor fro subscriptions
- price templates (Netflix,Spotify,PPP, Fix+VAT)
- 44 currencies to USD
- simple and fast editor
- exportimport prices
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